Monday, December 18, 2006

RSS: Really Simple . . . Something

RSS feeds sounded really cool when I first heard about them. But I found two problems: (1) I had no time to pay attention to them, and (2) the feeds were sucking up all the memory on my poor ancient computer.

Under About Me on the left, you can see my feeds that I have signed up for including the required three for the 23 Things exercise.

Plus, I have signed up for RSS feeds from some of my co-workers' blogs. Unfortunately, not everyone has a blog posted and some blogs have only one entry--and some have even less than that.

Come on, people! If you don't hurry up you won't get an RCA MP3 player with Taser for those screaming kids and cellphone jammer capability.

Wait. What do you mean it doesn't come with those options?

Public url:

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